Leaderboard Entries
Sacrifice Fly: 1 (3rd)
Strike Outs: 14 (9th)
Quality At Bat %: 50.91 (12th)
Batting Average: .286 (14th)
On Base Average: .345 (16th)
Slugging Average: .347 (17th)
Runs Batted In: 10 (18th)
Base on Balls: 5 (18th)
Hits: 14 (20th)
Doubles: 3 (20th)
Number of Pitches: 1607 (1st)
Number of Strikes: 1058 (1st)
First Pitch Strike: 341 (1st)
Batters Faced: 537 (1st)
Game: 27 (1st)
Game Start: 21 (1st)
Fly Outs: 147 (2nd)
Innings Pitched: 102.33 (2nd)
First Pitch Strike %: 63.50 (2nd)
Fly Out %: 27.37 (2nd)
Strikeouts: 50 (3rd)
Ground Outs: 66 (3rd)
Strike %: 65.84 (3rd)
Pitch Per IP: 15.70 (3rd)
Ground Out %: 12.29 (3rd)
Walk Per IP: .37 (3rd)
Walk Hit Per IP: 2.10 (4th)
Earned Run Average: 5.47 (4th)
Strikeout to Walk Ratio: 1.32 (4th)
Strikeout Per IP: .49 (4th)
Win: 4 (5th)