Leaderboard Entries
Runs Batted In: 38 (1st)
On Base Average: .591 (1st)
Hits: 49 (2nd)
Home Runs: 4 (2nd)
Batting Average: .521 (2nd)
Slugging Average: .851 (2nd)
Doubles: 13 (4th)
Triples: 3 (5th)
Quality At Bat %: 53.64 (7th)
Strike Outs: 6 (8th)
Runs: 27 (10th)
Base on Balls: 14 (10th)
Stolen Base: 14 (13th)
Save: 1 (1st)
Ground Outs: 138 (2nd)
Win: 13 (2nd)
Ground Out %: 30.87 (2nd)
Strikeout to Walk Ratio: 2.96 (4th)
Number of Strikes: 956 (5th)
Strikeouts: 83 (5th)
Game: 25 (5th)
First Pitch Strike %: 63.31 (5th)
Strike %: 65.98 (5th)
Walk Hit Per IP: 1.37 (5th)
Pitch Per IP: 14.99 (5th)
Strikeout Per IP: .86 (5th)
Walk Per IP: .29 (5th)
First Pitch Strike: 283 (7th)
Game Start: 20 (7th)
Innings Pitched: 96.67 (7th)
Earned Run Average: 4.13 (7th)
Fly Outs: 57 (8th)
Fly Out %: 12.75 (8th)
Number of Pitches: 1449 (9th)
Batters Faced: 447 (9th)