Leaderboard Entries
Doubles: 14 (2nd)
Quality At Bat %: 66.94 (5th)
Strike Outs: 4 (11th)
Batting Average: .476 (11th)
Hits: 49 (12th)
On Base Average: .545 (12th)
Home Runs: 3 (15th)
Slugging Average: .699 (16th)
Runs: 32 (21st)
Base on Balls: 15 (23rd)
Sacrifice Fly: 1 (24th)
Ground Outs: 113 (1st)
Win: 21 (1st)
Number of Strikes: 1302 (2nd)
Earned Run Average: .97 (2nd)
First Pitch Strike %: 67.66 (3rd)
First Pitch Strike: 364 (4th)
Game Start: 24 (4th)
Innings Pitched: 130.00 (4th)
Strike %: 66.98 (4th)
Game: 27 (5th)
Ground Out %: 21.00 (5th)
Strikeouts: 151 (6th)
Batters Faced: 538 (6th)
Pitch Per IP: 14.95 (6th)
Strikeout to Walk Ratio: 3.08 (6th)
Strikeout Per IP: 1.16 (6th)
Number of Pitches: 1944 (7th)
Fly Outs: 79 (8th)
Walk Hit Per IP: 1.09 (8th)
Walk Per IP: .38 (9th)
Fly Out %: 14.68 (11th)